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1. Where does this Privacy Statement apply?

This Privacy Statement applies when you:

  • visit or make use of the website www.bow-architecten.be, property of BOW ARCHITECTEN and/or communicate personal data (for example by filling in the contact form, sending an e-mail, making contact by telephone, subscribing to our newsletter, etc.)
  • use our products or services in any way
  • interact with BOW ARCHITECTEN in any way through certain other sales or marketing channels (such as, for example, personal meetings or appointments, trade shows, social media, etc.);
  • explicitly accept this Privacy Statement

2. Who processes the personal data?

2.1 Data Controller

BOW ARCHITECTEN is the Data Controller and determines the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data and can be contacted via the following means:

  • By post via: BOW ARCHITECTEN BV, Tulpenstraat 11, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium
  • By telephone on: +32 485 504 777
  • By email on: pieter@bow-architecten.be
  • Via the website: www.bow-architecten.be

2.2 Data Processor

OW ARCHITECTEN may, in certain cases, use a processor for the proper performance of its services to you. A processor may process your personal data at the request or on behalf of BOW ARCHITECTEN and will be obliged to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data.

3. What personal data is processed?

BOW ARCHITECTEN undertakes only to collect and process data that is relevant or necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. Depending on these purposes, BOW ARCHITECTEN processes the following categories of personal data (non-exhaustive):

  • Your name, e-mail, telephone and address data (identification or contact data)
  • National registry number or identity card number

4. On what legal basis is personal data processed?

BOW ARCHITECTEN processes your personal data on the following legal basis:

  • In order to execute the contract you are entering into with us or the pre-contractual steps you have taken during your application;
  • Your consent and explicit acceptance of this Privacy Statement.

5. For what purposes is personal data processed?

BOW ARCHITECTEN processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with a safe, optimal and personalised user-experience and service.
  • To manage the contractual relationship with you and to enable us to carry out our architecture services, including quoting, invoicing and providing support or performing our services.
  • To keep you informed about our services, projects or news that might be of interest to you if you have given your permission.

6. Who receives the personal data?

With the exception of certain data processors, authorities or third parties who need to receive your personal data for the execution of the contractual obligations entered into with you, BOW ARCHITECTEN will only process your personal data for its own internal use. Your personal data will not be sold, transferred or communicated to third parties, unless you have given your explicit permission beforehand.

BOW ARCHITECTEN has also taken appropriate legal and technical measures to prevent unauthorised access and use of your personal data. 

7. How long will personal data be kept?

BOW ARCHITECTEN will only retain your personal data (i) as long as this is necessary or relevant for the purposes stated, (ii) for the duration for which it is legally obliged, or (iii) as long as any legal dispute or investigation may arise in relation to the services provided by BOW ARCHITECTEN (that is, the ten-year liability of architects).

8. What rights do you have?

8.1 Right to information
By means of this Privacy Statement, BOW ARCHITECTEN wishes to inform you about the processing of your personal data to the greatest extent possible. Your data is processed for legitimate purposes in an appropriate, relevant, secure and proportionate manner, and is not kept longer than necessary and always with the utmost integrity and confidentiality.

8.2 Right of inspection
You always have the right to review the lawfulness of any processing activity of your personal data and to ask BOW ARCHITECTEN to provide you with information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of your personal data, the categories of recipients of your personal data, the retention period and the rights you can exercise.

You also have the right to ask BOW ARCHITECTEN for a copy of personal data that has been processed about you. This copy will in principle be provided to you free-of-charge unless your request could be deemed unreasonable or excessive. If so, BOW ARCHITECTEN may charge an administrative fee.

8.3 Right of correction
You have the right to correct incorrect data or to complete incomplete data by making a simple request to BOW ARCHITECTEN.

8.4 Right to data erasure
You have the right to request that BOW ARCHITECTEN deletes your personal data if BOW ARCHITECTEN no longer has a legitimate reason for the processing. You can exercise this right in the following cases:

  • Your personal data is no longer necessary to fulfil the purpose pursued.
  • You can prove that BOW ARCHITECTEN has unlawfully processed your data.
  • Your personal data must be removed as a result of a legal obligation.
  • You revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data and there is no other legal basis for processing your data.
  • You have successfully exercised your right to object (see point 8.6).

However, BOW ARCHITECTEN reserves the right on reasonable grounds to refuse your request for deletion and cannot be held liable for the fact that deleted personal data remain stored somewhere temporarily, invisible to BOW ARCHITECTEN.

8.5 Right to restrict data processing
You have the right to request the restriction of data processing in any of the following circumstances:

You dispute the accuracy of the personal data processed by BOW ARCHITECTEN and BOW ARCHITECTEN has been given a reasonable time to verify the accuracy of the personal data.
You prove that the processing by BOW ARCHITECTEN was unlawful and request a restriction.
BOW ARCHITECTEN does not require the data anymore, but you still need them for exercising a legal claim.
You exercise your right to object (see point 8.6).

8.6 Right to object to data processing
You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for 'direct marketing' purposes. BOW ARCHITECTEN will cease processing your personal data unless it can put forward compelling reasons which outweigh your rights and freedoms. Where applicable, you will also be informed.

8.7 Right to data portability
You have the right to obtain and reuse the data provided by you to BOW ARCHITECTEN on the basis of consent in a structured, common and machine-readable form for other services and thus to transfer it to another data controller, unless this is technically impossible.

9. How can you exercise your rights?

If you wish to exercise your rights, you must send a written request and proof of identity to BOW ARCHITECTEN through one of the following channels:

  • By registered letter to: BOW ARCHITECTEN BV, Tulpenstraat 11, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium
  • By e-mail to: pieter@bow-architecten.be

10. What cookies do we use?

Cookies are small information files that can be automatically stored on or read from your device (such as PC, tablet or smartphone) when you visit our website. This is done through the web browser on your device. BOW ARCHITECTEN’s website only uses statistical cookies. These allow us to understand how a visitor uses our website. These cookies collect purely anonymous data for reporting purposes. BOW ARCHITECTEN does not collect any personal data this way. If this would be so, BOW ARCHITECTEN would ask for your permission.

The following cookies are currently used on our website:






Google Analytics


Records a unique ID which is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

One day

HTTP Cookie

Google Analytics


Used by Google Analytics to slow down the requesting rate

One day

HTTP Cookie

Google Analytics


Records a unique ID which is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

One day

HTTP Cookie

11. How can you make a complaint?

If you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data, please first contact us directly via one of the contact channels described under Section 9 so that we can resolve this for you.

Furthermore, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority at any time via this link.

12. Can this Privacy Statement be changed?

BOW ARCHITECTEN always has the right to improve or change the present Privacy Statement, whereby the changes immediately will apply as from the publication thereof on its website. You should (re)view this Privacy Statement from time to time to ensure that you are aware of any changes. The continuation of your contractual relationship or use of our website or services will be considered as acceptance of any changes made to this Privacy Statement.

13. Applicable law and courts

This Privacy Statement is subject to the laws and regulations in force in Belgium and only the courts of the judicial district of Ghent, Kortrijk division, have jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

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